这就是为什么你现在需要一个数字化战略。Why You Need A Digital Strategy Now.

作者:Brendan McGrath,TripleEight高级顾问











There's no better way to take advantage over your competitor than to surpass their social media strategy.

Your customers are more connected and informed than ever before, now possessing the ability to do what would have been days of research on a product or service in seconds using a smartphone and their preferred selection of applications to parse massive amounts of data and review, and in an instant, make a decision.

If you are keeping up with the market, you at least had a fighting chance of being on your customer’s the short list of vendors, if not, you were never in contention to be found. Never before has it been so important for companies to closely study and develop a digital strategy than now, and companies that cannot adapt to this new generation of commerce are bound to shrink, or worse. Conversely, never have intelligent companies had so much opportunity to know and target their customers, to be proactive in finding clients in that massive data set, and offer them the value they are looking for right when it is needed.

Social media has replaced the need for almost any print media advertising, this is because you can now target exactly the audience you want, based of countless filters and adjust your advertising spend to suit. This was never possible in any other medium of advertising (and yes this includes banner advertising on websites), we were guessing and hoping that the right people will see our product, with no reliable return on investment data to support it.

In China, WeChat is by far the market leader, with over a billion daily users and hundreds of thousands of mini-apps and functions, enabling users to manage almost every facet of their life and for businesses to connect with customers. In the West however it has not (yet) caught on outside of the Chinese communities there, in these markets Facebook and Instagram are the most prolific and successful platforms for both users and advertisers.

At this point, accessing and leveraging these Western platforms from within China is not possible, and the expertise required for communication and strategy this market is different than for the Chinese consumer, but Eastern companies should not ignore the opportunities to sell directly into Western markets.

Over the last generation Chinese industry has developed from one of cheap manufacturing, into one of the most technologically advanced in the world, and the market perception of Chinese goods has vastly improved as well. potentially this is a signal to Chinese and other Asian manufacturers to develop a presence on Western social media, a professionally edited English\Spanish\French\German etc. along with a robust digital strategy to support it.

Because of this shift in perception, social media and e-Commerce, companies in China do not necessarily need Western companies to buy, market and distribute your products, there is a great opportunity for Chinese companies to create or enhance their existing brand and image for the Western market and create a detailed business model and digital strategy so you can directly access the markets, vastly increasing your company’s opportunities for profitability and competitiveness.

It is time to seriously consider what path you want your company to take during this digital revolution and create a strategy that recognizes how closely we are all globally connected.

Talk to TripleEight about how we can assist in developing your digital strategy today.